Friday, August 27, 2010

R n R

There's nothin' like being at home and getting some good ol' R n R. I'm home, happy, and healthy-kind of.
The lovely Susan Massitti has some idea's on the issue with my shoulder. Its a problem derived from my hips and anchor muscles in my bum. I have my exercises and that I do twice a day and I can already feel a difference in my natural movements.
I am hoping that I can jump back into training as soon as possible but I figure I had better wait for the go from Susan.
The newest news on training camps is I may be jumping over to Ottawa for a week then to Washington DC for US National championships which is in Dickerson. I have heard that the Dickerson course is pretty unreal so I am definitely looking forward to it.

Other then that I guess all I can say is that I am enjoying life right now and I am looking forward to what the future has in hold for me. It was a great racing season and I hope that I can put in the work again this year for another self satisfying season.

"I can accept failure, everyone fails at something, but I can't accept not trying"
Michael Jordan

Hope all is well



Unknown said...

thanks AJ for updating your blog. People may not comment but your grandparents and your parents love checking it out!

Marissa said...

And in between the two, stopping to see his best bud in the nation's bustling metropolis of T-town!
Hope your shoulder/hip/legs feel better:)
