Monday, September 12, 2011

It's been too long

As I sit here typing this, I am reflecting on what I have lost and gained this summer. So far the only things I can think of losing are two teeth that are causing me a bit of pain. Yet I don't feel less wise which is good news.

The summer was filled with adventure, excitement, sadness, happiness, and unfortunately a bit of depression.
Not literal depression but I had a good two weeks where I knew I wasn't acting like myself.

I fell in love, I crashed and burned. I became closer with my two closest friends and now miss the crap out of them. I went in with four extra teeth and am leaving with only two extra teeth.
I raced, I trained, and I coached. I watched and I learned.

It was a different summer then the regular.
I had thought to myself that this summer sucked compared to last. But when I truly thought about it, I was living a bit of a dream life last year and this summer was more of a slap in the face.
I have learned that things don't come to you. The only way to gain anything in life is to work your ass off, and never look back because it will be all worth it in the end, regardless of the result.

Back to the depression.

Don't worry! It wasn't because of the love.
Well in some fashion it was.

In a matter of seconds, the sport that I love doing the most was taken away from me yet again. But hopefully for a shorter period of time.

Sometimes things happen for a reason. As corny as that sounds. But I am sick of sitting on the bench.
This year my goal is to be at every training session, weather I am there for moral support for my team mates, or weather I am sacrificing my body right beside them
It is my job this year to make sure my team mates and I can reach our absolute best.

It's a big year. 319 days until London.

319 days.
We have some work to do.

Thanks everyone

PS Ribs are good, teeth hurt, and I apologize for lack of postings this summer.

Hope everyone else's summer has been as good and filled with adventure as mine has.

Take care.
