Sunday, March 7, 2010


Well I went our to Kingscliffe with Rodney, Laurie and the boys and had a great time! We did a lot of boogie boarding, made some sandcastles, played footy, played handball, soccer and the list goes on! We polished off the weekend by going to the waterpark again today. It was cool as! (Australian saying that I've picked up) I am about ready to come home though as I am starting to pick up the lingo around here. No accent yet though :p I was talking to a girl today and she said that it was good because she liked mine. Score!
Gonna be home soon!



Unknown said...

Great to hear you are having fun. When are you heading back to Sydney? Call today around 5pm(10 or 11AM your time) our time and we will be home. It is Sunday and we are going to Castle for a few runs in the sunshine this afternoon. Home is missing you too, but picking up lingo is ok. I think you'll probably have a little accent as well...we shall see though.

Loads of love Mom

Grammo said...

Thinking of you. Glad you're having a god time.

Love, Grammo