Friday, November 27, 2009

November November.

Hey everyone. I have decided that once a month updates shall have to do. A lot has happened since you last heard from me though. I got my new boat! (Thanks to TECK for the sponsorship!) I have paddled it twice, but with my luck of course we are pretty much done paddleing until febuary. I will post pictures when the weather clears up and i can get some good shots of the boat. I have gone snowbaording a few times already which is pretty awesome. The goal was to do more of that and i have already done twice as much riding as i did last year....Don't worry though, kayaking is still the priority!
School is chuggin along and keepin me outta trouble. Thats all I have to say about that though..
The cats are doin well, but still get into shananigans as normal cats do.
I have a camp coming again! But its a winter camp loaded with cross country skiing and lots of running! I'm not looking forward to it as much as Australia though! Im just gonna think, one ridiculously cold camp then a really really long and hot one! Whoop! I can't quite express how excited I am for it. During my stay in Australia will be going to the roots and meeting/seeing some family! I haven't seen some of them for years so its pretty exciting.
Everything is going along as it should and I hope it stays that way as it should!

Your's Truly
