Well its 2010 and with a new decade comes new resolutions, dreams, goals, and of course new memories. Consequently the gym has been crazy busy! This happened the previous year as well. Silly new years resolutions, but of course everyone eventually forgets about that "I'm going to get fit this year and nothing is going to stop me." Although I do believe in supporting anyone no matter what, c'mon people. Getting fit is honestly not that difficult. Go to the gym every morning before work, and go for a jog! Then afterwards don't stuff your face with the local Tim Hortons or with a bowl of your favourite sugar blasted cereal. Also, just because Mcdonalds says their salads are healthy, doesn't mean they are. Any sort of calorie that is above 450 is not a good one. I know, this seems like a difficult way to live, but going grocery shopping and making yourself a healthy meal feels just as good as standing on the podium. Make a new years resolution like, "I'm going to eat healthier this year" or set a certain weight and lose it. Don't let yourself forget about this either! I can't be to rough to these people because I'm only just getting into a good habit of not eating out, and making healthier meals. Furthermore, if I'm and adolescent 17 year old living on his own, a 30 year "grown up" should be able to find some time to hit the wieght room, or running trails.
On to a more positive note!
I have my next max weights test this weekend and I am feeling pretty good about it. Well the weather is warming up and we have been doing some flatwater training! This is just getting me even more excited for my trip to down under!
Well I gotta go make fun of my friends who are writing a diploma right now!
Catch you later
If anyone reads this and feels offended, I am sorry, but as it is a blog I feel I have the right to speak my mind.... :)
Have a good one.